April 2022
LowBeats have published their year-long review of LUMIN U1, awarding it their "REFERENZ" title with a score of 4.6/5 and calling it "the perfect digital sound source".
During the review Jurgen Schroeder states:
Lumin U1 is one of the "easiest-to-maintain" streamers I've experienced in my network gamer test history since 2007
it does everything to ensure that the subsequent DAC can achieve the best possible sound.
it impresses even under rough test conditions with its unconditional reliability, short boot times and prompt response to commands.
For us, who have to evaluate a wide variety of components every day, such an incorruptible, neutral signal preparer is undoubtedly worth its weight in gold. And for those who want to get the most out of their digital chain, the same applies...